Manoj Bhattarai (he/him)

Rotation Director and Preceptor for Geriatric Medicine and Nephrology



Kathmandu, Nepal


Medical School

MD from the Institute of Medicine in Kathmandu, Nepal


Where did you complete your residency and fellowships?

Internal Medicine Residency at Memorial Hospital in Pawtucket, RI

Nephrology Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA

Geriatrics Fellowship at Brown University in Providence, RI


What do you like most about Lakeside?

The opportunity to help an underserved population

Do you speak any languages other than English?

Yes - Nepali and Hindi

What interests do you have outside of medicine?

Finance, Business, Music, Soccer, Tennis

What is your favorite spot in Florida?

Disney World

What advice would you give to a new doctor just starting their residency or their career?

Don’t hold off on other aspects of life and important things just to finish residency